Thursday 6 December 2012

Where has Term 4 gone???

We have not written on the blog for the last few weeks.....IT HAS BEEN BUSY!

We had our school athletic sports. Sam S, Sam B and Caleb A got through to the Interschools where they ran and threw and jumped  against other schools this week.  Sam S got 2nd in the baseball throw and Sam B got 4th in Long Jump.

We also had our school fair.  There was a train, candy floss.  We sold lots of stuff. There was a dunking machine and we dunked our principal Mr Gallagher.   It was lots of fun and we raised lots of money for the school pool.

Our school pool is ready and we have been swimming this week.  We just hope the weather stays fine.

We went to the recycling centre and saw the dump.  We learnt how to make compost so are trying different ways of making it at school.
We had lots of fun making our own paper.

We went on a bus to another school called Bluestone and saw the Science Roadshow. It had lots of fun activities for us to try and awesome demonstrations.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Sam S's Grading

This week Sam went for his yellow belt.  Congratulations Sam - a great effort seeing you have just got your leg out of plaster!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Toby's Trip to Queenstown

Toby went with his family for a long weekend in Queenstown

 Here they are on the way to Skippers Canyon.....can you find that on a map

                 Now that a bit close to the edge and it is a LONG way down
                        All ready for the boat ride......that they have to hold on TIGHT for!
                      Skippers Bungy - Where Bungy Jumping started....


                         At Wanaka....yes this is a toilet so why are you in it Toby?

Funky Monkey's Labour Weekend

Funky Monkey went to Lake Benmore with Harrison.  It was a bit too cold for boating but he had a lot of fun.
Outside the caravan with Harrison's mother, brother and sister.

Harrison's sound asleep but is Funky Monkey?
                                                         Play time........hide time

                      Funky Monkey sits up on on Harrison's head....he must have finished eating

                                              Looking down to the lake......
                                              Lake Benmore and the Road behind.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Cole's keyboard

The Black Hole

We watched this video clip and then wrote our own black hole narratives
Read the comments for different stories from our class

Labour Day in New Zealand

Labour Day is a day off for many New Zealanders have the day off on Labour Day, which is an annual public holiday on the 4th Monday of October. It commemorates the struggle for an 8-hour working day.

Labour Day is a public holiday so many workers in New Zealand take the time off to relax and enjoy their spare time. It is on a Monday, so some people make the most of the long weekend by going on short trips out of town. 

What did you do?

Write a comment to tell us.